Why is My Dog Shaking and Throwing Up?

why is my dog shaking and throwing up

In dogs, simultaneous throwing up and shaking consistently cause distress for both pets and their owners. Combining these symptoms often reveals an underlying illness, underscoring the need to address the matter seriously. The underlying causes of vomiting and shaking in dogs vary from mild and inconsequential to potentially life-threatening, according to veterinarians. This article explores the possible causes of your dog shaking and throwing up concurrently and guides readers when professional veterinary assistance is crucial.

What is Throwing up and Shaking?

When a dog vomits and shakes simultaneously, it may suffer from a different set of problems than if it were vomiting or shaking alone. Sometimes, dogs vomit bile, and if they eat too fast or too much, they may regurgitate their food. A dog will also shiver when it’s cold.

In contrast, if your dog vomits and shakes (or shivers) simultaneously, you may face a more serious problem requiring medical attention. There are several causes of simultaneous vomiting and shaking in dogs, including:

  • Emotional upset
  • Glucose imbalance
  • Poisoning
  • Metabolic disease

Vomiting and shaking together indicate that your dog has a physical imbalance. Anxiety, fear, or excitement-induced vomiting and shaking should subside within 30 to 60 minutes after the stimulus is removed.

An imbalance in glucose levels may indicate a serious condition. Health disorders such as poisoning and metabolic disease are very serious. The consequences of either condition can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Causes of Shaking and Throwing Up in Dogs


The symptoms of poisoning in dogs include vomiting and shaking. Dogs can ingest toxins from various sources, such as household chemicals, plants, medications, and food. To report a suspected toxin ingested by your dog, call your veterinarian, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, or the Pet Poison Helpline.

Metabolic Disease

Dogs with metabolic diseases can also experience vomiting and shaking. An imbalance in glucose can indicate a much more serious condition, such as diabetes. It is also possible for chronic kidney failure to cause tremors. You should take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you suspect he has a metabolic disease.

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Anxiety, Fear, or Excitement

In response to anxiety, fear, or excitement, smaller dog breeds and puppies are more likely to vomit and shake. It is common for emotional disturbances to last less time than symptoms caused by underlying conditions. After removing the stimulus, vomiting and shaking should subside within 30 to 60 minutes if the cause is anxiety, fear, or excitement.

Diseases of the Organs

There are acute and chronic diseases of the organs. An acute organ disease might develop suddenly, but it may be treatable. Older dogs can develop chronic forms of organ disease, and some symptoms can be managed. Some diseases, such as kidney, liver, or Addisonian, can cause shaking and vomiting. Immediately take your dog to the veterinarian if you suspect it has an organ disease.

Other Causes

There are other less common causes of shaking, shivering, trembling, or tremors in dogs, such as:

  • Distemper: A virus causes canine distemper, mainly affecting puppies and adolescents who have not been vaccinated. In dogs, it’s a common cause of tremors.
  • Nausea: Motion sickness, medication, eating too much, or eating a toxic plant can cause dogs to feel nauseous. Other diseases can also cause nausea, including kidney and liver disease. Nausea may cause your dog to shake.
  • Low blood sugar: This condition is more common in small-breed and toy dogs and puppies. Maintaining a regular feeding schedule and providing your dog with a well-balanced diet can help prevent hypoglycemia.

What to do if your Dog is Vomiting and Shaking

In emotional distress, your dog may vomit and shake due to physical discomfort. Wait for them to calm down before checking their gums for a normal pink color, which should return within two seconds unless something is wrong. You should seek immediate veterinary attention if symptoms persist, worsen, or if additional signs appear, such as difficulty breathing or changes in pulse.

A veterinarian diagnoses diabetes through blood tests and urinalysis. A treatment plan involves daily insulin injections, monitoring blood glucose, a specific diet, and regular exercise. When poisoning occurs, the vet may attempt to clear the stomach and contact poison control for treatment. A diagnosis of metabolic disease, acute or chronic, usually involves lab testing, fluid therapy, and medication, with the veterinarian guiding the owner. These situations must be handled by a professional as soon as possible.

When to Seek Veterinary or Emergency Care

Your dog may be okay if he has only had one episode of vomiting and shaking and seems fine otherwise. However, if your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, you should take him to the vet immediately.

  • A pale or greyish tongue or gums
  • Excessive panting or fast breathing
  • Retching
  • Weakness or lethargy
  • Insomnia/unresponsiveness
  • Disorientation or staggering
  • Excessive salivation
  • A bloated or painful abdomen
  • Restlessness and frequent stretching of the entire body

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, having a dog vomiting and shaking simultaneously is a distressing experience for both owners and pets, often indicating an underlying issue that demands attention. The causes are emotional upset, glucose imbalance, poisoning, and metabolic diseases. After removing the stimulus, emotional symptoms should subside within 30 to 60 minutes. However, persistent or worsening symptoms, especially when accompanied by other symptoms like difficulty breathing, require immediate medical attention.

These symptoms can be caused by poisoning, metabolic disease, anxiety, or organ disorders. A veterinarian can diagnose and treat diabetes and poisoning, such as insulin injections or stomach clearance. The presence of concerning signs, such as pale gums or excessive panting, should prompt immediate veterinary care. Swift, professional intervention is crucial to resolve these issues effectively and ensure the dog’s well-being.

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